Nyakunkon a következő W.o.T frissítés, amiben kissé megvariálják a németek harckocsi választékát. Új nehéz és közepes tankok düböröghetnek, továbbá két új térképet is kapunk. A térkép vérfrissítés már nagyon kellett. Személy szerint kissé már unom a meglévő választékot. Lássuk hát a videót!


A patch 10-én kijött, a kliensek maguktól frissülnek.


A változtatások listája


World of Tanks v.6.5 - 6.6 Patch Notes

- Added new map Siegfried Line;

- Added new German tanks: Pz.VI Tiger (P), VK 4502 (P) Ausf A, E-50, Е-75, Е-100;

- Added new German premium tanks T-15, T-25;

- Panther II substituted by E-50 as tier 9 German medium tank, Panther substituted by Panther II as tier 8 German medium tank;

- Rebalanced Panther and Panther II tanks to fit tier 7 and 8 respectively;

- Maus tank: rate of fire for 12.8 cm gun decreased by 0.2 sec, hit points decreased by 400;

- IS-7 tank: hit points decreased by 50;

- T-30 tank: hit points decreased by 50, dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%, dispersion during turret traverse increased by 30%;

- Tiger II tank: hit points for stock turret increased by 100;

- Increased credit income for US tank destroyers M10 and M36;

- Increased match-making value for US tank destroyer T95;

- Fixed map bugs on Lakeville, Artic Region, Abbey, Mines, Malinovka;

- Free platoons for 2 players;

- Added extra battle tier (tier 1 tanks only) for newcomers - players with up to 10 battles played;

- Added platoon invite filter - "accept from friends only";

- Fixed bug with experience transfer flags resetting after battle;

- Fixed few errors with display of water waves;

- Fixed bug when vehicle gets stuck due to critical inclination angle;

- Fixed bug when destroyed tanks are displayed as non-destroyed tanks (rare);

- Reworked models of 76mm guns for M26 Pershing;

- Fixed errors with disproportional tank icons;

- Fixed error when unused consumables with passive bonus are displayed as used;

- Fixed error with incorrect display of crater created when object is destroyed;

- Adjusted gun depression for T92;

- Removed "transfer gold" option from player context menu;

- Team damage when ramming now counts only if the speed of the vehicle involed exceeds 10 km/h.


Szerző: Pegasus

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Akecheta 2011.12.02. 16:24:25

Imádom ezt a game-et, szerintem az egyik legprofibb:). Jó hogy itt is foglalkoztok vele:).

Tankra magyar!!

Top medes keres klánt, addig is nyomom és két harc között www.farmerama.hu/big/ingyenes-jatekok ezzel:).
süti beállítások módosítása